
Content Submission

To enter the contest, submit your floral designs showcasing our new varieties and promote visits to the showcase at your wholesaler's location.

High-Quality Content

Ensure your submissions are of high production quality, with excellent lighting, clear audio, and professional presentation. Videos should capture the beauty and detail of your arrangements.

Engaging Content

Create captivating content that provides value and inspires your audience.

Marketing and Promotion

Actively promote visits to the showcase at your wholesaler's location through your social media channels, or other platforms.

Originality and Creativity

Bring your unique voice and perspective to your content. Originality, creativity, and innovation are highly valued and will make your designs stand out.

Compliance with Guidelines

All submissions must adhere to Rosaprima’s content guidelines and standards, including compliance with copyright laws.
Submit your content showcasing your floral designs
After you submit the forms, we will take 2-3 days to send you the approval email confirmation.
The next step is to start driving your audience to the event.
Before submitting your application, please make sure to carefully review all of the requirements.
Event Dates: August 15th - August 31st
Submission Deadline: September 5th
Winner Announcement: September 15th
Submit your content showcasing your floral designs