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Florist Spotlight: Ana Valencia of Let's Bloom Miami

28 agosto 2023

Meet Ana Valencia – a masterful floral artist with profound expertise in the industry. Drawing inspiration from Miami's rich cultural tapestry, Ana curates arrangements that are more than just flowers; they are stories.

Her studio, Let's Bloom Miami, is a testament to the city's cultural vibrancy. With a dedication to sustainability, innovation, and emotional resonance, they craft floral arrangements that reflect their clients' unique stories for any occasion. "More than just florists, we are storytellers, committed to amplifying joy and artistic magnificence through the universal language of flowers," she says.

Learn more about her work with three of Rosaprima's exclusive varieties in this August Florist Spotlight.

What are the main highlights of the three Rosaprima exclusive varieties you work with in this Florist Spotlight? RP Moab, RP Flamingo, RP Lady Eva.

These varieties are stunning; together, they give that garden look we love.

We used them from different perspectives to enhance their beauty. RP Moab is one of the unique shades people are always amazed by, so we used them in the front. For the filler effect and delicate look, we used RP Flamingo to give a soft background to our arrangement. We use one of our favorites, Can you describe a memorable project or event where Rosaprima roses played a significant role, and how did their distinctive characteristics contribute to the project's success?, for the light corners and some light in the deepest part of the arrangement. The result is a garden look, delicate, feminine and romantic.

Can you describe a memorable project or event where Rosaprima roses played a significant role, and how did their distinctive characteristics contribute to the project's success?

I have so many memories of working with Rosaprima roses, the most special one was when we used the roses for our floral sculpture during Fleur De Villes in March. We won second place and the roses were the main part of the display. The quality and vibrant color let us create a beautiful piece! It also helped us a lot as they are long-lasting roses.

The Miami lifestyle is often associated with luxury and extravagance. How do you balance opulent floral creations with sustainable practices to meet the expectations of both your clients and your eco-conscious mindset?

We balance opulent floral creations and sustainable practices by using seasonal blooms, minimizing waste, and educating clients about eco-conscious choices. Our designs reflect both Miami's luxurious lifestyle and our commitment to preserving the environment, ensuring beauty with a mindful approach.

Remember to follow her on social media: https://www.instagram.com/lets... and stay tuned for our next Florist Spotlight.